Project Scheme

The innovation system in the wind turbine

The main objective of this WP is to define the information fields that are needed for the data pool to carry out the optimisation of turbines’ location and the design of a wind farm, as well as to identify the data sources and definea methodology to acquire these data.The specific objectives of this WP are:

  • To define the information fields from the different types of data needed for the data pool.
  • To identify data sources, both public and private.
  • To characterise and classify data according to their nature.
  • To reach agreements with the institutions that own the data (if proceeds) and the procedures to assure the continuous supply of data.

  • Works Packages

    Work package number: WP1 Start Date or Starting Event: Moth 1 - 6
    Work package title: Engineering to upgrade from first prototype (P1) to P2.
    Short name of participant: ENAIR LANCOR
    Person/Months per participant: 17 12

    Refine the design of the initial prototype in order to set the expected power performance of PMG, Blades decrease the weight.

    CAD design, CFD simulations and mathematical simulation will be performed in an iterative process to close the optimal upgrade.

    Work package number: WP2 Start Date or Starting Event: Moth 4 - 12
    Work package title: Manufacture and test the upgrade prototype (P2).
    Short name of participant: ENAIR LANCOR
    Person/Months per participant: 14.8 7.5

    Manufacture and test the upgrade prototype of 10 kW with the final materials and conditions in order to define the basis requirements to upscale the model in the following WPs.

    Work package number: WP3 Start Date or Starting Event: Moth 9 - 16
    Work package title: Upscale design of operational prototype (P3).
    Short name of participant: ENAIR LANCOR
    Person/Months per participant: 19.5 18

    Upscale the design of the components of P2 to obtain the operational design P3.

    PMG: Upscale earlier prototype to 40 kw al 60 rpm based on the previous design and test results. Compact PMG with high power density and efficiency above 90%, with a 10% decrease in magnets and 8% in copper. Rotor: Must rotate at 60 rpm when the wind velocity is impinging over the blades at 12 m/s.

    Work package number: WP4 Start Date or Starting Event: Moth 11 - 17
    Work package title: Production of operational prototype (P3).
    Short name of participant: ENAIR LANCOR
    Person/Months per participant: 11 7.8

    Manufacture, assembly and validate the quality of the operational prototype P3.

    Work package number: WP5 Start Date or Starting Event: Moth 16 - 24
    Work package title: Test and homologation of operational prototype (P3).
    Short name of participant: ENAIR LANCOR
    Person/Months per participant: 10 10

    Test and homologate the ECIWIND according with IEC 61400-22. Close technical design and documentation (some of them needed in the WP5).

    Work package number: WP6 Start Date or Starting Event: Moth 1 - 24
    Work package title: Dissemination and exploitation.
    Short name of participant: ENAIR LANCOR
    Person/Months per participant: 14.6 5.7
  • Communicate the objectives of the project and assist to seminars and conferences to promote the ECIWIND.
  • To protect intellectual property (IPR).
  • Work package number: WP7 Start Date or Starting Event: Moth 1 - 24
    Work package title: Production of operational prototype (P3).
    Short name of participant: ENAIR LANCOR
    Person/Months per participant: 6.5 3
  • Efficient overall management of project ensuring effective progress towards goals & objectives, including a monitoring of a risk contingency plan.
  • Ensure that EC project reports, deliverables & milestones are met.
  • Deliverable (number) Deliverable name WP# Short name of lead paricipant Type Dissemination level Delivery date
    D6.1 Risk Contingency Plan WP6 ENAIR R CO M2
    D1.1 Computational fluid Dynamics report P2. WP1 ENAIR R CO M5
    D1.2 System Model Simulation report P2. WP1 ENAIR R CO M7
    D1.3 P2 Design upgrade report. WP1 ENAIR R CO M7
    D1.4 PMG P2 Design upgrade report. WP1 LANCOR R CO M7
    D2.1 PMG P2 tests before integration. WP1 LANCOR R CO M9
    D2.2 P2 Upgrade Prototype. WP2 ENAIR DEM CI M9
    D6.3 Interim Plan for Use and Dissemination of Foreground. WP6 ENAIR R CO M10
    D.2.3 P2 ECIWIND Test results WP2 ENAIR R CI M12
    D6.2 Communication WP6 ENAIR DEC PU M12
    D3.1 Computational fluid Dynamics report P3. WP3 ENAIR R CO M15
    D3.2 System Model Simulation report P3. WP3 ENAIR R CO M15
    D3.3 P3 Design up-scale report. WP3 ENAIR R CO M16
    D3.4 PMG P3 Design up-scale report. WP3 LANCOR R CO M15
    D4.1 PMG P3 tests before integration. WP4 LANCOR R CO M16
    D4.2 P3 Manufacturing and assemble cost analysis report. WP4 ENAIR R CO M17
    D4.3 Operational prototype P3. WP4 ENAIR DEM PU M17
    D6.4 Final Plan for Use and Dissemination of Foreground. WP6 ENAIR R CO M18
    D6.5 Commercialisation report 1. WP6 ENAIR R CO M19
    D5.1 P3 Tests result. WP5 LANCOR, ENAIR R CI M21
    D6.6 Commercialisation report 2. WP6 ENAIR R CO M23
    D5.2 ECIWIND Certificate. WP5 LANCOR, ENAIR DEC PU M24
    D5.2 ECIWIND Final design. WP5 ENAIR R CO M24